I, Joan, have great taste in books...and intuitive feelings about certain books. I saw this book on Larissa's shelf...Buddy's Little Self Help Book...by Buddy Hobbs (Will Ferrel's character in Elf.)
It is a cute, funny, charming little book and I said to myself...I would love to own this book. I think I may have given it to Larissa for Christmas, but not sure. She wasn't sure who gave it to her...was it me, her mom,..or Amy, her sister, ...or...? This price was $3.99 US. $5.99 CAN
Anyway, I went to amazon.com to order it. guess what? They no longer carry it. It is no longer in print, but you can by it new from one seller for 213.22!!!!! Or used from 69 dollars and up. Larissa found it on half.com for 100 dollars and up.
So..that goes to show....you may never know when a book you own has become a rarity!
It is so rare, it is hard to even find a nice uploadable online picture of it. I had to take a picture
of it myself to post it here...
Here is a cute saying from the section on Self Esteem...
If you try your best,
you'll never be a cotton-head ninny muggins.
These words of advice reminded me of Amy...
Eat frosting straight out of the container.
Some more...
Tights rule!
Never lose your Christmas Spirit
Being an elf is difficult work.
Humans can rarely do it
as they end to get testy when overworked.
Singing is just like talking, only louder and longer
and you move it up and down.
If you feel confused and sweaty,
its a sign that you need some alone time.
Maple syrup is a wonderful energy drink.
Don't eat cotton balls-
they're not cotton candy nuggets.
See? Cute, huh?
1 comment:
ha! ha! ha! I love it!!!
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