Yesterday, John came home from work with stories!
First, he almost got hit making a left turn onto the freeway entrance when a guy coming the other direction sped through a red light. The guy in front of John who was also attempting the left turn slammed on his brakes and John also slammed on his brakes but still nicked the car in front of him. John said if he was the car in front of him, he would have been hit (and creamed since he was in our little red Suzuki), because he would not have been able to slam on his breaks that fast. John said his reaction time is bad. So we are grateful.
Also...at school, the discipline problems were mighty...and unrelenting all day. "Even the sweet little LDS primary age girl-6th grader- was swearing at her gym classmates." The principal attributed it to the full moon.
Indeed, last night was a gorgeous bright almost completely full moon in a deep blue sky at dusk. This morning it was even more dramatic..it hung low in the west, big and white and round with fuzzy edges smeared by clouds...it was a classic scene! So I read today that tonight is the actual real full moon! Every full moon has aname...WHO knew? Tonight's moon for 2010 is named Wolf Moon. (Native American custom...I love it!)
1 comment:
Thats neat and something new I learned too today since I did not know full moons had names. I did see yesterdays moon and it looked huge and bright so now I know why!
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