Tommy Mushegain and John Mooshegian (these are their correct spellings...they each spell their names differently even though they each have the same ancestor...this practice is called "creative spelling") reminiscing about old times. These guys know all the stories! Then we have Betty standing behind the couch in one picture..notice how the wall of the living room opens out onto Newport (or is it Balboa?) Bay.
OK...Here's how it goes, I think:
Sarbeck Mushegian (born 1875 in Karakala, Armenia/Russia) had 2 kids with his wife Arusiak Egigian: Levin and Mary.
Levin had 4 children. They were all at the re-union but I did not really understand it all! If I had to do it over, I would have taken a picture of all of Levin's 4 kids together! They are:
Mary had 5 children with her husband Arshak Amerkhanian. Of them, Betty Amerkhanian Hulihan is the only one alive. She is 84.
These are the 5 kids, then:
I, Joan, wife of John (son of Betty) met all these folks at one time or another...even Mary herself (Xmas of 1976)who was an excellent cook! She cooked, in her later years, for rich Hollywoood people (movie stars?)
Tommy (the guy on the left) is a real sweetheart..gave John a big long hug and many kisses when he saw John at the re-union Saturday.
John Mushegian's dad is Ardash Mushegain (they spell it both ways..ian and ... ain and some of the folks spell it Mooshegian...(these are all the same family)
Now who is Ardash? Ardash is the son of Ovhannes
Ardash's dad is Sarbecks' brother.
OK..let's go back to their dad. Here is where it gets really interesting!
Musheg Gabrillof is the patriarch of this family. The ian at the end of the Armenian names means
family of So Musheg's kids (even though Musheg's last name was Gabrillof) are all Mushegian meaning of Mushegian...!
So Musheg had 4 boys:
~Ovhannes (the oldest)
~Sarbeck (the great grandpa of John P. Hulihan and the great great grandpa of John P. Hulihan's kids)
Musheg means "Mouse" in Persian.